AGM 2015 (inc. Laura Johnson RBKC Director of Housing talking to us about regeneration)

Silchester Residents’ Asociation AGM
Wednesday 22nd July 2015
7pm Harrow Club, Freston Road

Present: Derek White (Chair),  Jo Poole (minutes), Steph Perkin, Judith Blakeman (Councillor Notting Dale Ward), Laura Johnson (RBKC) Director of Housing),  Martin Barr (TMO),  Juliana Castaneda, Eman Yosry, Mary White, Louisa Hiatt, Margaret Payne, Jean Haley, Sean Doherty, Patricia,  John Murphy, Peter Radisic ,  Abass LL Hawayy, Lorraine Wallington, Mr and Mrs J Taylor, E. French, Michael O’Donovan, Mrs P O’Sullivan, A Talin, Tricia Jormm, J Dobbin, Ann Waters, Christine Begley,

1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Lina Lens Vicos

2. Minutes of the last AGM on 24th June, 2014.

The minutes were accepted.

3. Housing Review

Laura Johnson, the RBKC housing director has told us of plans within the borough to improve and increase housing.  Architects will be commissioned to look at the whole area and see what is possible.  It is expected they will take 6 months to talk to residents and look at the estate and present a study that will probably show what already exists on the estate, what can be kept and what can be knocked down and an idea of costs.  Impact of the MoreWest development will be assessed when looking at the future possibilities for the Silchester Estate.

The council will look at the report and decide whether it is viable to proceed with demolition, redevelopment and building projects or not.

There is no intention to move people away from the area, although they may be temporarily decanted elsewhere. It is expected that offers will be made to leaseholders who may be offered part or shared ownership or similar on a new property.

The council is not responsible to the private tenants on the estate.  The owners of the property may receive home loss compensation.  Intermediate rent should be available for people earning up to £60K to £80K per year, this is for people who fall between the social and private markets.  There is no policy regarding availability for those renting privately to receive intermediate rent.

It is likely people will be offered their housing need + one bedroom when being allocated housing.  Current policy is that children over 21 will not be offered accommodation with their parents.

The council intend to consult and involve residents where possible throughout this process.  Laura Johnson will come back and talk to us if we want her to.

The borough will commit to continue to maintain and repair our properties.

4. Treasurer’s Report

a. A/c balance at 24th June 2014    £908.35
b. A/c balance at 22nd July 2015        £3,168.90

We have received a £3,000 Local Life grant towards the new clubroom refurbishment, hoped to be completed this year.

5. Election of Officers and Members of the Committee

Position Name Nomination Seconder
Chair Derek White Eman Yosry Steff Perkin
Vice-chair Juliana Castaneda Mary White Eman Yosry
Secretary Jo Poole Derek White Steff Perkin
Treasurer Eman Yosry Derek White Mary White
Committee member Lina Lens Vicos Mary White Eman Yosry
Committee member Mary White Derek White Jo Poole
Committee member Sean Doherty Jo Poole Derek White

6.  TMO report

a) Martin Barr (manager of estate services for this part of RBKC) from the TMO has read the West London Citizens report on housing in the area.  This states resident’s issues with communications with the TMO and dissatisfaction with repairs services.

The TMO have met with various service providers to discuss the feedback in the Citizens report.  One of the things they plan to do is organize an opportunity on the estate for residents to speak directly to members of the repairs and maintenance services.  This is planned to happen before the resident’s conference on September 26.

If residents would like anyone specific to be available, please could they make a request in advance, e.g. the asset management team or someone to talk about lifts.

b) There are still issues with the even floor lift at Markland House.  They need to improve customer service, especially when people are stuck in the lift.  The residents association regard 2 hours as unacceptable as a length of time to release someone trapped in a lift.

c) There are issues with car parking on the footpath outside Dixon House.

d) The buzzer is not working on Frinstead House entrance via the community hub.  The walkway at this entrance floods when it rains.

e) There is a section on the TMO website where you can search by postcode to see what planned works are coming up over the next 5 years.

f) Lighting in Shalfleet Drive and Waynflete Square is inconsistent and dangerous.  This has been going on for over a year.
Stronger, functioning lighting would be welcomed.

g) A black gate has been installed across the entrance from Shalfleet Drive onto Waynflete Square. John Parrot and Hannah O’Donnell at the TMO will have the most up to date information on the parking changes coming into effect soon.

7. Next Steps

We would like to include all residents on the estate, not necessarily just those who are TMO tenants as we come together to participate in and respond to the housing review.

8. Any Other Business