You may recall that on 26th May this year, we attended the meeting of the RBK&C Cabinet Meeting where the RA Chair and Vice-Chair spoke about Silchester and our expectations about how we as residents would like to participate in the discussions around the feasibility options for the Redline Area.
We did get a response at the end of June which we have been working through and responding to. The point of this post, as part of a larger post about what the RA has been up to since 24th May is to share the Council’s response. Click on the links below to see the full response from Cllr Rock Feilding-Mellen and the RA Chair’s response to it.
Response from Cllr Rock Feilding-Mellen: 2016-06-30-rfm-response-to-ra-expectations
Response from Derek White – Chair of the RA: 2016-07-22-response-to-rfm-26-may-feedback